[清空] 播放记录
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. However, when the killer accidentally dies, they realize they're trapped in the storyline of the movie and cannot leave until they fulfill its script. This darkly comedic and thrilling take on the horror genre turns the typical slasher trope on its head风过无痕,终究是我强留了你。你曾说过“赢了我陪你君临天下,输了我陪你浪迹天涯”。誓言尤在耳边,却早已物是人非,得到了权利,却失去了你,高处不胜寒,拥有的再多都比不过你,如果早知道得到这一切的代价是失去你,我想我不会去争取,只因你重于一切,只是这世界上没有如果……